Why do people love?
Love is a wonderful feeling!
It ignites a passion for life in ones soul!
What happens when somebody becomes discouraged with 'peoples' type of love?
What is it like to feel love for the first time?-Or to have love rekindled?
I know what it is like to believe in love-to feel love re-awaken inside.
As a child, I always believed in love. I believed that a man and a woman could fall in love and stay in love forever. I believed love lived. I never thought loved died.
As I grew older, I started feeling like there were many types of people who say they love yet months later they speak of how much they hate each other.
I began wondering if love still lives, yet I said if love is dead than why do I love?
I prayed to God to give me a renewed love, to totally believe that a man and a woman could love, marry each other, and stay together until the day they both depart from this world. Because 'peoples' love will never live, yet God's love will remain forever! Hallelujah!!!
Just recently, I had love, sweet, Godly unending love rekindled inside my heart!
I hope as the new year settles upon us, we can make the priority to see the miracles that encircle us everyday.
For indeed love is truly a miracle!!!
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