Tuesday, March 22, 2016

For All Eternity

For all of eternity the Bible says we will be thanking God for all of the miracles He has done for us in our lives. We will be thanking Him for all of the miracles he has done in our friends or our families lives.
Christ has done so much for us we can not even begin to say thank you to Him.
Can that be fathomed?
Can you or I imagine thanking someone for ever!?

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Answers Christ Gives Us

I am sure all of us have asked God for something and have received an answer that did not seem to answer the question we had asked.
Christ sometimes answers our requests in a way that would not have seemed convenient for us, yet in the way He answers us...we could never imagine the request answered any other way.
God has this ability to astonish us almost beyond belief when He decides to give us what we never knew we wanted.
He is an awesome power that continues to amaze us when He answers us.
He did not only give His Son for us-no! that was not enough-though that would have been enough, He guides us through each day and answers each question we ask.
How He answers us is astonishing!
Jesus is a wonderful Savior!
I hope you know that even though our prayers might not be answered the way we might want them answered, they are answered in the way that will strengthen or renew our lives for more fulfillment in Him. We always know that Jesus always has a perfect plan for us that wait on Him and trust Him to guide us with our lives. He hears every single prayer that His saints pray to Him. He is not slack concerning His promises as some men count slackness.*
I hope you all have a wonderful day/night.

*2 Peter 3:9